Monday, May 5, 2014

Oamaru and the Moeraki Boulders

Headed to our second location - Oamaru!
We got to Oamaru at about 5pm on Easter Sunday and went right to our hostile, Chill Awhile.

 Right away the reception guy started telling us things we could do that night. Most things were closed since it was Easter, but some of the things that you didn’t have to pay for were free…like going to see penguins!! He started showing us on a map all the different places we could see yellow penguins and where we could see blue penguins and seals. We were there at the perfect time for penguins, so we didn’t even move our stuff into our hostile before going off to try and find penguins.

We went to find yellow penguins first since they could usually be seen from about 4pm – 7pm. We drove through a little bit of the town which was really cool because it was really old fashioned. They left some of the buildings super old looking down this one street which was cool. Then we got to this cliff where the yellow penguins can sometimes be spotted. 

There is a shore line about half a mile long where they usually are, and then there is a spectators viewing stand above that looks down on it. The yellow penguins are an endangered species, so he told us that there aren’t too many of them left. Sometimes they are super close to where people stand and other times they are half a mile away and you can’t see them. Unfortunately, we didn’t see any of these penguins. We probably waited for about twenty minutes before we decided to give up. It was getting dark, so it would have been hard to see them anyways. We were a little bummed, but we knew we still had the possibility of seeing blue penguins.

We drove back into town but went along the coast where a bunch of docks and boats were. There were a couple smaller piers as well, and we were told that along the whole shore line had potential to have penguins and seals. The blue penguins aren’t endangered, so we were told it may be easier to see them. By the time we got to the place with the blue penguins it was dark out. They have penguin crossing signs since the penguins cross the road each day. We weren’t exactly sure where to stop first, but eventually we saw a bunch of people standing around in one spot. We decided to pull over and check it out. At first when we got out I didn’t see any penguins but people were taking pictures, so I thought maybe there was a seal or something. Then all of a sudden a little penguin came out from under a dock and started walking towards us. It was so cute! It started off walking pretty slow out and then headed towards the road. Then another penguin came out and did the same thing. 

There were so many people there trying to take pictures and see them. They wound up together at the edge of the road and it looked like they were going to cross together. I don’t know if it was because there were a lot of people and they were scared or if they didn’t actually want to cross the road, but they stayed on the edge and didn’t go anywhere. 

Eventually we decided to leave because we were hungry, so I’m not sure what ended up happening to them. I love penguins, so it was really fun being able to see them!
We got Thai food (a first for me) for dinner and then headed back to our hostel. 

This hostel was really cool because it had different instruments you could play and it had a room where you could paint whatever you wanted. They provided stones, pieces of wood, frames, and acrylic paint to use. 

We chose to paint some egg-shaped rocks since it was Easter, so we got to paint Easter eggs!

Other than that, we were in a room with like 8 other people, so we didn’t really want to be in our room too much. It’s hard living with a ton of people in one room because you don’t want to take up space or be too noisy. Overall though, you get used to just moving around in the dark and trying to do things quietly. Plus they had a lounge and the painting room where we could talk.

The next morning we woke up at like 5:30am because we wanted to watch the sunrise at the Moeraki Boulders. These boulders are believed to have fallen from a mountain way back when and are now just sitting there. They are pretty cool since they are super round. It looks like they were man-made to look like that. Since we were on the east coast, we were told the boulders would be really cool to see at sunrise. The boulders were about an hour away and sunrise was about 7:15 so that’s why we had to wake up super early. We drove down to the path to lead us to the boulders. You can either pay like $2 to go walk down and see them or you can go park in a different lot for free and take like a ten minute walk to the boulders which is what we decided to do. There was a sign that said the boulders were 10 minutes away, so we headed down the path and came to the water right away. We didn’t see the boulders and it was dark, but the water was coming up really far, so we didn’t know if we were supposed to be walking there. Turns out that it was just high tide (poor planning on our part) so we ended up having to run across the water in between waves. It was actually a lot of fun because we kept running up and down trying to beat the waves. Eventually we made it to the boulders and were able to take some pictures. 

It was still pretty tricky since the tide was high, but we got some pretty good pictures! 

It ended up being cloudy, so we didn’t even see the sunrise which was a bummer. It was still a fun experience though getting up super early and then running through the water, so we’re glad we did it!

It was a very brief trip to Oamaru but it was definitely a fun little place to spend a night!

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