Friday, March 14, 2014

And it begins...

So, I was told that I should write a blog about my adventures, and I never even considered that even though it is a great idea! I'm going to try and write in this blog at least a couple times a week on the days that I actually go on adventures or find out something neat at the school I am working at, but these things always sound great to me and then I just get lazy. HOWEVER, I really want to keep track of what I have been doing, so this blog will contain both educational similarities/differences between the school I am at and those in MN for my math teacher friends, and I am also going to post the things I do while I'm here (I suppose you could consider this a journal or a diary for myself because I want to remember what I do here). I'll try to post clear titles so you can know if it is worth your time reading it or not! If you do feel like keeping up with my life, I hope you enjoy!

As a side note, I should add that when I am done typing something, I HATE going back and rereading what I wrote, so there will probably be some typos/grammar errors that you will have to grind through if you want to read it. What do I care, I'm a math major!

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